Our Story & Purpose
Holding Wholeness is the present movement in a journey filled with successes and failures…findings – wins and losses… learnings. We found the inevitable wreckage that stems from ignoring self-care, and learned what is possible through a practice of cultivating care, healing, & resilience. With a rejection of perfection, we are moving toward a future of wholeness.
Care, healing, & resilience are cultivated – in our gardens, and in ourselves. In our gardens and in us, seeds grow where they are planted and cared for. We choose to plant the seeds of wholeness within ourselves, knowing that family & community wholeness can begin with us. Self-care has been described (even by us) as silly, fluffy, and self-ish. Now our story invites a vision of self-care as essential, brave, and self-deserved. Practices as simple as setting intentional space, claiming time for a bath, or caring for our skin and body, can catalyze our power to care for our soul, our families, and our communities.
We care for ourselves beyond standards of physical beauty. Beauty thrives within ever body type, skin type, age (anti-aging is anti-living 😊) or heritage. And well beyond any products or services we could offer. Your support through purchases and fees mean the world to us - and your connection to us, our community, and our earth means much more. We hope these offerings can help you in your own practice of self-care-towards-community-care. In whatever form, we are grateful to join you in the deepening of wholeness.
We all have a fire inside of us. A fire for good – for love. Like all fire, we burn longer and brighter (& show up better for our families & communities) if we are cared for.
Thank you for being YOU.